Criselda’s Noteworthy Thoughts for February 2025

Love is in the air! OR at least, that’s what our consumer driven world would like us to believe since the whole Valentine’s Day was invented so that retailers could make a lot of money. Perhaps, it is not wrong to contemplate love this month though. Perhaps, we need to simply look around us through […]
Criselda’s Noteworthy Thoughts for January 2025

A fresh start. A time to reinvent ourselves. New beginnings. These are all words we use at this time of year….never mind the big “R” word! “Reso-what-now?” January itself is named after Janus the God of beginnings and transitions. He is a two-headed God looking back to the past and ahead to the future. Things […]
Criselda’s Noteworthy Thoughts for December 2024

As we rush headlong towards Christmas, towards more joy, towards presents, towards more human interaction and towards more concerts/shows, we should probably stop and consider Christmas a little. Shall we, like Dickens suggested, honor it in our hearts and keep it all year round? Yes!Should we see it as a time to do something extra […]
Criselda’s Noteworthy Thoughts for November

Wow what a fun whirlwind we are living in! Sometimes life goes past so quickly that we forget to simply stop, admire and enjoy. The colors outside are changing and there is a nip in the air. We embrace rehearsing our Christmas pieces with more enthusiasm as December nears. And we reluctantly start to say […]
Criselda’s Noteworthy Thoughts for October 2024
Too busy? Just busy enough? Not nearly busy? I would boldly suggest that being busy is a very good thing. But how do we find balance and fulfillment within the rich tapestry of our lives? But while I say that, we have to be careful to not overload those adrenals and add stress to our […]
Criselda’s Noteworthy Thoughts for August 2024

As summer draws to a close, we can all look forward to an exciting fall of singing and performing! So Noted Singers, Forte Plus Choir, Cleopatra (NEW!), our touring company (NEW!), Seniors Acting Out Together and finally Acting Out are all planning exciting seasons. But some in our province will have to look hard to […]
Criselda’s Noteworthy Thoughts for July 2024

Happy summer! For those of us busy planning the fall season, we hear Christmas music wafting on the breezes and see twinkly lights in every sunset. And what keeps choral directors up at night over the summer? The big question is – will the singers remember how to breathe, tune and shape a phrase when […]
Criselda’s Noteworthy Thoughts for June 2024

As concert season winds down, we reflect on what it feels like to attend all these wonderful shows….why do we do it? (but keep checking our facebook page for a ton of upcoming concerts by many groups yet in early June) Attending a concert can be a powerful, shared experience that transcends the boundaries of […]
Criselda’s Noteworthy Thoughts for May 2024
Criselda’s February newsletter

Happy February everyone! Ah the month of heart shaped pizzas, a bit more sunshine and slushy roads. What’s not to love? If you’ve just done dry Jan or about to do dry Feb, then YAY you! Singers need all the moisture they can get and sadly, alcohol dries out your vocal folds. Of course, you […]